North-East Autonomous Councils

Recently, Constitution (125th Amendment) Bill, 2019 was introduced in Rajya Sabha to increase the financial and executive powers of the 10 Autonomous Councils in the Sixth Schedule areas.

About 6th schedule:

  • 6th schedule deals with the administration of the tribal areas in four north-eastern states of Assam,Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.
  • They are treated differently by the constitution because the tribes in these states have not assimilatedmuch the life and ways of the other people in these states.
  • The tribal areas in these states have been constituted as autonomous districts, each of which has anautonomous district council consisting of 30 members. Currently, there are 10 such councils.
  • Some of the powers and functions of autonomous councils include:
  • They can make laws on certain specified matters like land, forest, canal water, shifting cultivation, inheritance of property, marriage, divorce etc. These require assent of the governor.
  • They can constitute village councils or courts within their jurisdiction, for trials of suits and cases betweenthe tribes.
  • They can establish, construct or manage primary schools, dispensaries, markets, ferries, fisheries, roadsand so on in the district.
  • They can make regulations for the control of money lending and trading by non-tribals, but these require the assent of the governor.
  • They are empowered to assess and collect land revenue and to impose certain specified taxes.


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