Section 124-A of Indian Penal Code

ias academy

Recent Development:

Legal opinion was sought by the Union Government.

What do Section 124-A of IPC deals with?

The section deals with the offence of sedition. The term “Sedition” covers speech, writing or any form of visible representation, which brings the government into hatred or contempt, or excites disaffection towards the government, or attempts to do so. It says that the term “Disaffection” includes disloyalty and feelings of enmity. It is punishable with three years in prison or a life term.
However, it also says expressing disapproval of government measures or actions, with a view to getting them changed by lawful means, without promoting hatred or disaffection or contempt towards the government will not come under this section.

Why it was needed?

Sedition was introduced in the penal code in 1870; a decade after the Indian Penal Code came into force. It was a colonial law directed against strong criticism of the British administration when it felt the need for a specific section to deal with the radical Wahabi movement of the 19th century, led by Syed Ahmed Barelvi and centered around Patna. . Gandhi called this section “the prince among the political sections of the IPC designed to suppress the liberty of the citizen”.
In the post-independence period, authorities and the police who invoke this section defend the measure as a necessary step to prevent public disorder and anti-national activities.


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